Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Hi Wildcats!

          We had the privilege last week of having the Dallas, Oregon Ropebusters Competition Team come to our school. The Ropebusters are a group of about 75 elementary and middle school students who work diligently to perfect and perform a variety of long and short jump rope skills. They came over to Wilson two days this week for workshops during PE classes and a performance. They travel all over Oregon helping students learn jump rope skills, so that students have another tool to become more heart-healthy!

Ropebusters performing at Wilson...



         This is such a great and unique opportunity we have here at Wilson! Students worked in groups of two or three with a Ropebuster. The primary grades focused mainly on long jump rope, while the intermediate grades worked on short jump rope skills and tricks. Wildcats, you did AWESOME!

Here are a couple of videos from last years workshop sessions with the Ropebusters...



         The coach and coordinator of the program, Jim Dent, commented to me that he likes coming to Wilson because of the students. He said they "show respect and try so hard - even if they know they aren't the best at jump rope." That is quite the compliment from someone who does workshops and performances all over Oregon. Way to go, Wildcats!!!

Enjoy the rest of the week,

Miss Stone

Friday, November 18, 2016

Nuts and Bolts of Nutrition

Hey there, Wildcats!

         We've been learning all about nutrition this week, and I have loved it! I especially loved watching a few of the kindergartners' confused faces when I told them that french fries are actually not something we should eat every day... I can't say I blame them - I grew up thinking that corn was a vegetable 😊 On the other hand, I love hearing conversations from students who obviously are learning at home how to make healthy food choices.

        Our nutrition lessons are some of my favorites because I feel like there is so much confusion surrounding nutrition these days - with the gluten-free movement, vegetarians, and other dietary restrictions. Technically nutrition isn't part of the PE curriculum, but I like to provide the students with the basics because the food choices we make are crucial to our overall health.

        We began the week by running relays to place food into three categories - food we should eat rarely, sometimes, or every day. Even with this seemingly simple activity, students have some interesting ideas based on what they have seen on TV, heard at home, heard from friends, etc. The tricky thing about nutrition is that very intelligent people have devoted their lives to the study of food, and yet they come up with dissimilar ideas about what is "good" for our bodies. It's safe to say they don't all agree on meat, grains, and dairy. All that to say, while every day vs. sometimes is a bit obscure, we can all agree that foods like candy, soda, ice cream, and McDonald's should fall into the rarely category.

       The second lesson involved familiarizing themselves with the food pyramid. They rode and drove their "grocery carts" to place food items into the correct bin according to food group. Check out the action


        I recently watched a fantastic documentary on Netflix, called "Fed Up", concerning nutrition and the obesity epidemic. In a nutshell, this is what the documentary reveals -

Consider that, since the ‘80s, the number of overweight children has gone from one in 20 to one in five. And while entire industries have ignited over weight loss, the number of those struggling to shed pounds only grows. “Fed Up” reveals the complex ways in which the government is inadvertently subsidizing the obesity epidemic through food lobbies. It guts the myth of personal responsibility (emphasized by the rhetoric of “eat more, exercise less”) and gets to the cause of our growing waistlines: processed food that has no nutritional value and ever-increasing helpings of added sugar.

Give it a watch if you have a free hour or two. Thanks for checking in! Have a great weekend, Wildcats!

Miss Stone


Friday, November 4, 2016

Small-Sided Soccer

Good afternoon, Wildcats!

Watch our second graders at work -


         It's been a little while since I've checked in. We started our soccer unit, and we are getting down the fundamentals before we begin some small-sided game play next week. Team sports can be a little bit unnerving for students if they haven't been involved in those activities outside of school.

         Fortunately, there exist a variety of methods to make sure each student experiences some level of success.  Small-sided games are one of the best methods for ensuring that PE is not dominated by those with a higher level of skill in a given activity. A small-sided game is one in which the rules or environment is modified.

         For example, next week we will be playing some 1 vs 1 games to get students used to controlling the ball. We will also be playing 3 vs. 3 with four potential goals for each team and no goalies. These small-sided games create an environment where players are able to get more quality touches on the ball, more experience in all phases of the game, and a higher degree of enjoyment and success. I love these small-sided games because, although the game is modified, it still provides students with the fundamental and tactical skills required for the activity.

Check out the link to see a small-sided game example -


         The past two weeks, we covered dribbling, trapping, turns, passing, and kicking. Next week, as we begin some game play, we will work on shielding. Thanks for checking in!


Miss Stone

Friday, October 21, 2016

Fat vs Fuel

Hey there, Wildcats!

          These week in PE we've been learning some things about nutrition. We played a game called Fat vs. Fuel. This is a fast-paced tag game to get students thinking about the foods that they put into their body.  This activity leads to some really good conversations about good fats and bad fats, lean meats, whole grain foods, food preparation techniques, etc.
           Every year, it is so interesting to see what foods students identify as a Fat or Fuel. A few of the debated items were chicken, cheese, and hot dogs. What we put into our bodies is almost as important as how much we move our bodies, so these are important conversations to be having with our Wildcats while they are young.

Check out this link for some interactive games that your Wildcat can play to learn more about nutrition -


Thanks for checking in :)
Miss Stone

Friday, October 7, 2016

PACER - what's that!

Another week in the books, Wildcats!

         Last week, the intermediate grades completed the initial PACER test. The Fitnessgram assessment tool is the most widely used youth physical fitness assessment. The PACER test evaluates aerobic capacity which is essentially how efficiently our hearts transport blood to the rest of our body. 

         According to the Cooper Institute, "Aerobic capacity is perhaps the most important component of any fitness program. Research indicates that acceptable levels of aerobic capacity are associated with a reduced risk of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, some forms of cancer, and other health problems in adults." 

        So when your Wildcat asks why they have to do the PACER test in PE, please assure them of the importance of cardiovascular health :) The 20 meter PACER test progressively gets more difficult as it continues - the running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute. They run as long as possible - the second time they are unable to complete a lap before the sound, their test is over. 

        Students fall into one of three categories - 1) Healthy Fitness Zone 2) Needs Improvement 3) Needs Improvement - Health Risk. If you would like more information on how these ranges are determined, check out this link - http://www.cooperinstitute.org/healthyfitnesszone

         Even though the PACER test is a nationally recognized test, it is important to remember that many factors could impact the results (ie amount of sleep the night before, a good healthy breakfast, activity level outside of school, maturation, motivation, etc). 

        That being said, I have some homework for you :) If these Wildcats are going to improve their cardiovascular system, they need to be getting at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! Take a walk in the evening, play at the park, go on a scavenger hunt out on the trails - just move! Keep up the hard work! 

Thanks for checking in! 

Miss Stone 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Toss, Chuck, Launch - THROW!


          We are in our throwing and catching unit, and I've seen huge improvement already :) The primary grades are focusing mainly on the mechanics of throwing this week, while the intermediate grades are now refining their throwing skills to achieve better accuracy. 

Check out one of the first graders showing us the steps - 

Hope you had a good weekend :) 

Miss Stone 

Monday, September 26, 2016


Happy Monday!

      Watch our 5th grade work...only two lifeboats and a tug rope to get your team off of your sinking ship :)


Miss Stone

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Getting in the groove...

Hi Wildcats!

         In PE, we have been hard at work getting down routines and expectations. We are learning everything from drinking fountain expectations to earning a student choice day in PE. *Ask your Wildcat how their class can earn a student choice day in PE*

         As we learn our routines and expectations, the upper grades are focusing on cooperative activities. These activities are important as they provide us with opportunities to experience what it looks like, sounds like, and feels like to be a good "teammate."     

                                             Cooperative games                                                               
...encourage children play with one another.              
...allow everybody to win and succeed.                     
...eliminate fear of failure.                                         
...let children play for play's sake.                             
...do not allow for elimination.                                  
...are fun and supportive.                                           
...build feeling of worth.                                           
…encourage problem solving and decision making 
...increase self-esteem                                              


Mrs. Robinson's 4th graders trying to cross the "Radioactive Ocean"

         The younger grades are also doing some partner and small group activities to cultivate interpersonal skills. We have also been practicing some space awareness :) They raced around the gym in "hula hoop cars" getting gas, pumping up our tires, and washing our vehicles. 

Miss Moncrief's second graders working on space awareness during Hula Hoop Car Town

Keep up the good work, Wildcats! Thanks for checking in! 

Miss Stone 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Welcome to 2016-2017!

Welcome back Wildcats!!!

           It's been SO wonderful to see you all this week! We hit the ground running in PE this week. We covered a lot! And to be honest, I'm getting tired of hearing myself talk! We moved our bodies as we discussed and practiced what it looks like to be safe, respectful, and responsible in PE. I was so happy to see all of you sweating and smiling again.

            From the sounds of it, you all had a great summer and are ready to be back at school :) This was a very fun, busy summer for me, but I am glad to be back in the swing of things. I spent the summer hiking, mountain biking, camping, playing at the beach, and enjoying some family time. Hopefully all of you got a chance to get out and enjoy the beautiful PNW as well.  Please check back to see what we are doing throughout the year - you can get an idea of what we're learning in PE, resources for home, and information concerning wellness related activities at Wilson. Thanks!

Miss Stone

Summer snapshot...

 At New Smyrna Beach with all of my nieces and nephews 

 A view from  McCulloch Peak on my last mountain bike ride of the summer with Mrs. Boock and Mrs. McCracken 

 Backpacking with some of my family and my dog, Truman

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The end of another year...

Farewell for summer, Wildcats!
         What a great end to another year! Thanks for "holding onto the handlebars" until the very end of the race :) We finished off our year in PE with some fun Omnikin ball activities...check out the links below!



Enjoy the outdoors and stay active! Swimming, hiking, paddle boarding, biking, Frisbee, kayaking, mowing the lawn, sand volleyball, water skiing, rock climbing, hopscotch, rollerblading - anything! Just move :)

Hiking with my niece 

Backpacking with my lab, Truman 

Have a great summer!

Miss Stone

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Wellness Fair Snapshot

Hey Wildcats!

         Thanks to those of you who were able to join us for the Wilson Wellness Fair this year! It was SO MUCH FUN! Here is a snapshot of the evening...

Testing skills on the obstacle course 

Getting ready to utilize the pedometers, an easy and effective way to track physical activity 

 Getting their Zumba on! 

Right before the collapse of the box tunnel!

Learning about reading a nutrition label as they make their trail mix

The Moss family enjoying the festivities 

Guessing how many sugar cubes each snack item contains 

Having a ball on the obstacle course 

Our Fearless Leader and his crew enjoying the evening 
Mrs. Boock leading a group in using a free exercise app called Sworkit 

Leaping logs

Heart Rate hero 

Experimenting with how exercise influenced heart rate

The raffle after completion of Passports to Health

Sworkit is a free app that requires no equipment and very little space!
I love seeing families connecting and moving at this event! Thanks for helping make it a success :) Have a great weekend and stay hydrated!

Miss Stone

Friday, May 13, 2016

Wilson Wellness Fair May 24th!

Hey Wildcats!

        Sheesh! It's been a while :) For the past month, I have been away on jury duty. Mr. Law, who is a retired teacher, has been substituting for me. He has done a great job, as the Wildcats work on perfecting their Frisbee skills. I am ready to be back at work interacting with smiley, sweaty students!
         I just wanted to remind all of you that the Wilson Wellness Fair is quickly approaching! The Wellness Fair will be on Tuesday, May 24th from 6:30 - 8:00. We have some really fun activities in the works for the fair, and I hope all of you will take time to stop by. There will be an obstacle course, FREE snacks, physical activity stations, nutrition stations, and a FREE raffle with participation in the various stations.

Make sure to wear your exercise clothes parents - your student is eligible for bigger prizes if you participate in the stations along with them. The first 50 Wildcats to turn in their "passport to health" will receive a free t-shirt. We have some really great prizes this year - including a bike, Garmin vivofit, sports equipment, gift cards, and free passes to Timberhill Athletic Club. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and sweat with your child :) Have a great weekend! 

Miss Stone 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Run for Fun!

Hey Wildcats!
        Awesome job this week! Thanks for your hard work at the Fun Run! I was so impressed by the determination and effort I saw each of you put forth. I haven't received the totals yet, but I am quite certain I will be amazed :) We set goals last week, and I am excited to see how many of you were able to reach the goal you set for yourself.
         I saw a lot of different running strategies - some of you tried to pace yourself in order to jog the entire twenty minutes. Others would run a lap or two and then walk a lap. Others ran the length of the gym and walked the width of the gym. Great strategies! Parents - these are great strategies for running around the neighborhood or on trails as well.
         Here is just a snapshot of our Fun Run this year -


Get out and enjoy the weather this weekend!

Miss Stone

Friday, March 18, 2016

Side, Step, Swing

Hey there Wildcats!

        It's been a while, and a lot has happened in PE since I last wrote! We had our 100th day of school a couple weeks back - pretty hard to believe we've been at it for that long already!  On our 100th day of school, students were able to see how many repetitions of various exercises they could complete in 100 seconds. Hopefully some of you saw this sheet come home, and you were able to get sweaty with your Wildcat!

         Simple activity sheets like this one are a great way to get your child active at home. It could be a family challenge that you do together on a monthly basis to see who can make the most improvement. Please ask me if you are interested in more ideas like this one :)

         We also started our ball and paddle unit. This is a theme-based unit, as opposed to a sports unit. This type of unit allows students to transfer the skills they have learned to a variety of activities. For example, these skills can be used in tennis, racquetball, ping pong, and pickleball!

Miss Mohler's class showcasing their skills -


         The older students utilized their skills in modified pickleball games, while the younger students discovered their abilities with different challenges (i.e. keep your ball in the air as long as you can, see how many forehand strokes you can do in a row, etc.). POP QUIZ - what are the cues for a forehand stroke?

Thanks for checking in,
Miss Stone

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Basketball Wrap Up

Hey there Wildcats!
         We wrapped up our basketball unit this week, and I am so impressed with how much improvement I saw over the course of the unit. Great job! Check out this video of some of  Mrs.. Meyer's students putting their skills to use -


          Don't forget Wildcats that there are basketball hoops to use on the school grounds after school or on the weekends! Get active and have some fun playing with your families. Show off your skills :)

Have a great weekend!

Miss Stone

Friday, February 12, 2016

We're playin' basketball...

Hey Wildcats!

          In the words of Bow Wow, we're playin' basketball :) Since the Fun Run was pushed back, we started our basketball unit last week. This week we are continuing to work on our dribbling, passing, and shooting. Getting comfortable with these fundamental basketball skills will allow us to play small-sided games in the near future. Pop quiz - what is the acronym for the correct form when shooting a basketball?  What does each of the four letters stand for?

One of Mrs. Skaugstad's kindergartners showing us some great shooting form
Have a great weekend!

Miss Stone



Friday, January 29, 2016

Just for Fun!

There is nothing quite like parachute with Kindergarteners :)


Have a good weekend,
Miss Stone

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Hey Wildcats!

         I am loving watching you all learn some hockey skills! I am so excited for next week when we will get into some small-sided games, so that you can start putting those skills into practice. Keep up the good work!

Mrs. Apple's class doing some 1 vs 1 hockey -

Mrs. Randklev's class practicing their passing

         As the weather gets wetter and wetter, you might find yourself getting less and less active. Even as someone who loves physical activity, I find myself being tempted to cozy up in front of the fire instead of warming up with some exercise. Here are some ideas for getting some physical activity inside...

- jump rope in the garage or in a hallway
- run or crawl up your stairs
- skip down the hallway
- balloon games
- crab walk or bear crawl races
- dance party
- exercise scavenger hunt

        Parents you may find yourselves with the same struggle. Here are some ideas for you...

- Sworkit app
- TV workouts
- wrestle with your kids
- jump rope with your kids
- workout with a deck of cards
          * each suit represents a different exercise (i.e. spades - sit ups, clubs - squats, hearts - running in place, diamonds - plank);  the number on the card represents the repetitions or amount of time (4 - 40 seconds)

        Hopefully these ideas will help you and your kids to get some wiggles out and stay healthy with the rainy days ahead :) Have a good one!

Miss Stone

Friday, January 8, 2016

Hockey New Year!

Happy New Year!

      Hope you all had a long, relaxing, and adventurous Winter Break! We are back at it this week with a new unit - hockey. With all the ice we've had, it seemed appropriate :) The focus this week is stick handling, and next week we will be working on the proper form for passing and shooting.

      Before break we had our day of sleigh rides in PE. These Wildcats had an absolute blast!  It is such an incredible joy as a PE teacher to watch my students LOVING physical activity. Physical activity is fun - you just have to find something you enjoy!

Mrs. McCracken's class having sleigh rides

Have a good weekend!

Miss Stone