Thursday, October 22, 2015

Move Your Wildcat!

Hello Wildcats!
       We are finished with our first "skills-based" unit - throwing! Great job! Thanks for your hard work :) Your throwing looks great, but I'm even more impressed with your behavior. Thanks for being safe, respectful, and responsible!

        Your class Wildcats are on the move! * When an entire class is exceeding or meeting the expectations in PE, their Wildcat moves along the "Wildcat Trail" * Each class has reached the end of our Wildcat Trail, and some classes are just about to make their second finish. Leading the pack are Mrs. Boock and  Miss Mohler's classes. Right on their tails are Mrs. Meyers and Mrs. Gray's classes. Way to work hard, Wildcats!

       Speaking of trails, Wildcat Trail and Wildcat Park provide a perfect combination for you and your family to get some exercise together. Walk or run a lap or two around the track, and then use the park structures to perform muscular strength exercises. Take advantage of this awesome place right in our neighborhood!

Check out these Wildcat Park exercises -


Miss Stone


Friday, October 16, 2015

Throwing and Growing

Hey Wildcats!

      For the past two weeks in PE, we have been working on throwing and catching. We utilized a variety of equipment, including footballs, yarn balls, playground balls, and gatorballs. We played several different games - which one was your favorite?  These games and equipment allowed us to focus on different aspects of the throw and catch. What were the cues for throwing? What were the cues for catching?

Check out Mrs. Boock's class playing scuba diver -


      Last Wednesday was Walk and Bike to School Day! Wilson has MANY students who choose to walk or bike to school everyday. This is a great way to incorporate small bouts of physical activity into your daily routine. If you live within a mile of Wilson, make a goal to walk to school at least two days a week. This small change helps your body as well as our environment!

     More physical activity not only improves our physical health, but it also promotes academic achievement. Check out this article to learn more -

Thanks for checking in!

-Miss Stone