Thursday, May 28, 2020

5/29 PE!

Happy PE FRIDAY!!!

      Check out this week's CHALLENGE and BONUS to work towards those 60 minutes of physical activity every day!

CHALLENGE - 25 minute KIDS WORKOUT! If that doesn't excite you, try the SPIDERMAN AGILITY TRAINING

Kids Workout -


BONUS - Balloon Tennis - have any fly swatters and balloons around? Have some fun and get some exercise!

Thanks for checking in!

Mrs. West

Friday, May 22, 2020

5/22 PE!

Good afternoon Wildcats and Eagles!
      We are almost to the end of May! Keep up the good work! Here is this week's CHALLENGE and BONUS!

CHALLENGE - Dress up as your favorite super hero and warm up with this Captain America warm-up

AND then dance along with We Are ONE

BONUS - Do you have a deck of UNO cards? Shuffle the cards and do a workout!

UNO workout. It's like playing a game! Fun to do and perfect to do with the kids! #FitnessFriday

Thanks for checking in!

Mrs. West

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5/15 PE!

Hey there!

      Hope all is going well! Here is the CHALLENGE and BONUS of the week :) Can't wait until we can all be together again!

CHALLENGE - Create your own OR copy this obstacle course - check your heart rate before and after to see how it changes with exercise!

You can create an obstacle course out of anything - jump over sticks, crawl under branches, skip to a fence, etc. Check out the video below of an obstacle course I helped one of my nephews create a few summers ago if you  need some ideas.

BONUS - Enjoy some YOGA!

This link is probably more suited to K-2 grades

This link is for 3-5 grades as well as adults

Thanks for staying active!

Mrs. West

Thursday, May 7, 2020

5/8 PE!

Good afternoon!

    I sure do miss all of you! Keep your brain and body healthy by getting as much physical activity as possible - remember 60 minutes is your goal!

CHALLENGE - Dance along with Can't Stop the Feeling - it's been a few years, but some of you may remember a couple of the steps OR if this one is a little too tricky, dance along with the Sid Shuffle! 


Sid Shuffle

BONUS - Create your own workout! Follow the link below for printable visuals

Keep yourself moving!

Mrs. West