Thursday, April 30, 2020

5/1 PE!

Hello Wildcats and Eagles!
      Hopefully you are all staying active and treating your body well with lots of sleep, healthy food, and plenty of water each day. Here is this week's CHALLENGE and BONUS!

CHALLENGE - In House Challenge - try to do this several times during the week

1. Lunge walk to each room in the house. Do 1 or 2 burpees in that room. How to Lunge: Techniques, Benefits, Variations      Burpees — the one year review » Joshua Spodek

2. Sideways lunge walk to each room in the house. Do a 10-20 second plank in that room.

How To Do The Side Lunge (Or Lateral Lunge) | CoachHow to Do the Perfect Plank Exercise - Best Abs Workout Moves
3. Walk on your toes to each room in the house. March your knees up to your elbows for 15-20 seconds in that room.
How to Do High Knees | POPSUGAR Fitness Australia
4. Walk backwards to each room in the house. Do a 20-25  second toe touch stretch in that room.
How To Do Toe Touch with Reach
5. Find something in your house you can lift over your head at least 20 times.
No gym, no problem: UB football's Alex McNulty goes viral by ...
6. Lie on your back. Put your hands on your stomach. Take 10 slow, deep breaths feeling your stomach rise and fall with the breaths. Think about what the air feels like going in and going out.
How to Find Your Neutral Spine Position
7. Say something nice to another person (or two) in your house.

BONUS - Have any crepe paper and tape laying around?

Complete this unique Tabata workout - all you need it two paper plates!

Have a great weekend! 

Mrs. West 

Friday, April 24, 2020

4/24 PE!

Hello hello!

      Thanks for checking in to find out the CHALLENGE and BONUS for the week :)

CHALLENGE - Try out this session of PE with Joe at the link below

AND/OR check out this SPACE JAM dance

BONUS - Try tracking your physical activity with a log like the one below - 60 minutes a day!

I would love to hear from you in the comments!

Mrs. West

Thursday, April 16, 2020

4/17 PE!

Happy Friday!

        Here is the weekly CHALLENGE and BONUS :) For those of you who noticed that I've changed the name of the blog, this was done because I teach PE at two schools in Corvallis! I teach at Wilson primarily, but I also teach a few classes over at Mt. View - so welcome both Wildcats and Eagles!

CHALLENGE - take a nice long walk through the neighborhood (bonus points if the whole family goes together) and complete the Nature Scavenger Hunt - for even more of a challenge, do this activity while running, skipping, jumping, sliding, hopping, leaping, etc!

Image of Summer Nature Scavenger Hunt

BONUS - get moving with the Trail Blazers Virtual PE every weekday morning at 10 AM!

Virtual PE

Search @blazercommunity on Instagram and click on their LIVE feed at 10 AM weekday mornings

Try out these ideas for how to stay active at home!

Thanks for checking in!

Mrs. West

Thursday, April 9, 2020

4/10 PE!

Hello and happy Friday!
       Each week, I'll give you a CHALLENGE TASK, as well as a BONUS idea or option you can check out to get even more PE at home on the other days of the week.

      Our goal is to keep up our fitness level, instead of learning new skills, because not all of us have equipment at home - even Mrs. West!  Remember to challenge yourself to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day!

CHALLENGE - Follow along with the Cardio Whip Nae Nae (some of you may already know it from previous years)!

Here are the steps in writing...

whip nae nae x 4
jumping jacks x 6/punches x 4 - repeat
jump lunge w/pulse x 8
high knees
whip nae nae x 4
jumping jacks x 6/punches x 4 - repeat
side jumps w/hands up and superman x 4
push ups w/punches
whip nae nae x 4
final pose


#1 - April DEAM (Drop Everything and Move) Calendar
You’ll need to play a little catch-up since the month has already started

Click here to get the link

* parents do not need to initial the boxes AND this does not need to be returned *

#2 - Eggercise Eggs - want an active egg hunt...look no further :)

Thanks for checking in!

Mrs. West

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Adjusting to the new norm...distance PE!

Hey Wildcats (and some Alligators)!

      What a strange few weeks! I hope you all are doing well, staying healthy, and adjusting to our new normal for the next little while. Thank you all, in advance, for your understanding and flexibility as we, as teachers, figure all of this out. There is certainly a learning curve!

      When I heard that we would be making the shift to distance learning, I thought "what in the world does distance learning for elementary PE look like!?!" While current restrictions we face in terms of social distancing, access to facilities, access to equipment, etc. may cause a shift in our lifestyle, one thing we CAN STILL ENGAGE IN IS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. And while it might look different than it has in the past, we are all in this together. Now, maybe more than ever, physical activity is crucial to maintaining our physical and mental health.

      Each week, I will be providing resources and suggestions for ways that you, as a whole family, can stay active throughout this time. Are there barriers? Of course. Are we always motivated? Nope. Do we have time constraints and other responsibilities? Definitely.  But WE CAN DO THIS! Adults, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day - it doesn't have to be all at once! Kids, aim for at least...come on, I know you know this...60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day.

      In an effort to not overwhelm you, I will keep this very basic to start out. These are options for the whole family. Pick your poison :) Keep it fun...physical activity shouldn't be a chore.

Walk around the neighborhood - include short sprints to the next mailbox, tree, etc
Learn a dance off of YouTube
Download a free exercise app - Sworkit Kids or Nike Training Club
Create an obstacle course in the backyard
Jump rope challenges (right foot, left foot, can-can, skiers, etc) - pretend if you don't have one!

Thanks for checking in! Please leave a comment if you enjoyed a physical activity together, or you created your own! Looking forward to hearing from you!

Mrs. West