I am loving watching you all learn some hockey skills! I am so excited for next week when we will get into some small-sided games, so that you can start putting those skills into practice. Keep up the good work!
Mrs. Apple's class doing some 1 vs 1 hockey -
Mrs. Randklev's class practicing their passing |
As the weather gets wetter and wetter, you might find yourself getting less and less active. Even as someone who loves physical activity, I find myself being tempted to cozy up in front of the fire instead of warming up with some exercise. Here are some ideas for getting some physical activity inside...
- jump rope in the garage or in a hallway
- run or crawl up your stairs
- skip down the hallway
- balloon games
- crab walk or bear crawl races
- dance party
- exercise scavenger hunt
Parents you may find yourselves with the same struggle. Here are some ideas for you...
- Sworkit app
- TV workouts
- wrestle with your kids
- jump rope with your kids
- workout with a deck of cards
* each suit represents a different exercise (i.e. spades - sit ups, clubs - squats, hearts - running in place, diamonds - plank); the number on the card represents the repetitions or amount of time (4 - 40 seconds)
Hopefully these ideas will help you and your kids to get some wiggles out and stay healthy with the rainy days ahead :) Have a good one!
Miss Stone
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