Friday, January 29, 2016

Just for Fun!

There is nothing quite like parachute with Kindergarteners :)

Have a good weekend,
Miss Stone

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Hey Wildcats!

         I am loving watching you all learn some hockey skills! I am so excited for next week when we will get into some small-sided games, so that you can start putting those skills into practice. Keep up the good work!

Mrs. Apple's class doing some 1 vs 1 hockey -

Mrs. Randklev's class practicing their passing

         As the weather gets wetter and wetter, you might find yourself getting less and less active. Even as someone who loves physical activity, I find myself being tempted to cozy up in front of the fire instead of warming up with some exercise. Here are some ideas for getting some physical activity inside...

- jump rope in the garage or in a hallway
- run or crawl up your stairs
- skip down the hallway
- balloon games
- crab walk or bear crawl races
- dance party
- exercise scavenger hunt

        Parents you may find yourselves with the same struggle. Here are some ideas for you...

- Sworkit app
- TV workouts
- wrestle with your kids
- jump rope with your kids
- workout with a deck of cards
          * each suit represents a different exercise (i.e. spades - sit ups, clubs - squats, hearts - running in place, diamonds - plank);  the number on the card represents the repetitions or amount of time (4 - 40 seconds)

        Hopefully these ideas will help you and your kids to get some wiggles out and stay healthy with the rainy days ahead :) Have a good one!

Miss Stone

Friday, January 8, 2016

Hockey New Year!

Happy New Year!

      Hope you all had a long, relaxing, and adventurous Winter Break! We are back at it this week with a new unit - hockey. With all the ice we've had, it seemed appropriate :) The focus this week is stick handling, and next week we will be working on the proper form for passing and shooting.

      Before break we had our day of sleigh rides in PE. These Wildcats had an absolute blast!  It is such an incredible joy as a PE teacher to watch my students LOVING physical activity. Physical activity is fun - you just have to find something you enjoy!

Mrs. McCracken's class having sleigh rides

Have a good weekend!

Miss Stone