Happy Wednesday Wildcats!
This week and last week we are jumping like crazy :) We had the Ropebusters here at Wilson on Monday after Thanksgiving break. The Ropebusters are a group of about 75 elementary and middle school students who work diligently to perfect and perform a variety of long and short jump rope skills. They came over to Wilson two days this week for workshops during PE classes and a performance. They travel all over Oregon helping students learn jump rope skills, so that students have another tool to become more heart-healthy!
Ropebusters performing at Wilson...
This is such a great and unique opportunity we have here at Wilson! Students worked in groups of two or three with a Ropebuster. The primary grades focused mainly on long jump rope, while the intermediate grades worked on short jump rope skills and tricks. Wildcats, you did AWESOME!
Jump rope is a great activity for the winter months - no outdoor gear required and minimal space needed! It is a great cardio workout, and there are so many tricks to learn!
Have a great rest of your week!
Miss Stone