It's been a while, and a lot has happened in PE since I last wrote! We had our 100th day of school a couple weeks back - pretty hard to believe we've been at it for that long already! On our 100th day of school, students were able to see how many repetitions of various exercises they could complete in 100 seconds. Hopefully some of you saw this sheet come home, and you were able to get sweaty with your Wildcat!
Simple activity sheets like this one are a great way to get your child active at home. It could be a family challenge that you do together on a monthly basis to see who can make the most improvement. Please ask me if you are interested in more ideas like this one :)
We also started our ball and paddle unit. This is a theme-based unit, as opposed to a sports unit. This type of unit allows students to transfer the skills they have learned to a variety of activities. For example, these skills can be used in tennis, racquetball, ping pong, and pickleball!
Miss Mohler's class showcasing their skills -
The older students utilized their skills in modified pickleball games, while the younger students discovered their abilities with different challenges (i.e. keep your ball in the air as long as you can, see how many forehand strokes you can do in a row, etc.). POP QUIZ - what are the cues for a forehand stroke?
Thanks for checking in,
Miss Stone